Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Haiz , so boring ! at skul dint hv any games i like~
Tat day i wan go to smk teknik but hv some people also hv go, and girl is more one, so i change to go kolei komuniti~go to kolej is also more one, but i think is better than go smk teknik~
Then they go to smk teknik go first,coz the bus come first. then we wait for go to kolej bus lo,,for along time we wait . the bus dint hv come so go to kolej is cancel~then go to hall to play tradisional games!
Later ,, my friends from smk teknik is back and then he say we frd and teknik is affray,i heard this, i feel so lose face ah!!! and then tat malay paople say my frd something , i feel very funny~just as well i dint go , if i hv go i think is very funny!!!
2day i no go to skul,coz wanna sleep !! then i hv ask vivin today is alright? she say the boy dint hv do something , jz play only, and the one person hv say me i dont go to skul so good coz tak ade orang will scold him~ i heard this i so angry !! nvr mind 2moro i will play him!!!
Recently i hv watch the 仙剑奇侠传3,~ so good movie ~

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